Popular DAC that is known for its warm-ish sound?

Can anyone name a <popular> DAC that produces a "warm-ish" output? 

Just grasping at straws here.  Thanks!
The TEAC 503 and 505 both produce a wonderful sound which leans towards the warmer or analogue side of digital conversion. The unit can come as a simple plan DAC (UT) or Network and DAC unit (NT). I suppose they might be considered a poor mans Esoteric DAC or Network player. I have the NT-505 and love the music it makes from 1s & 0s. I can listen for hours without listener fatigue.
The specifications for the TEAC 505 look pretty good.   I was discouraged from purchasing a used 505 on the grounds that the unit's documentation would be in Japanese only, and that there are questions about TEAC's customer support presence in the U.S.  I would be interested in hearing about TEAC documentation / support / repair issues with respect to this equipment from Audiogon readers.   
North Star Supremo and Excelsio. The es9016 based DACs from NSD are more neutral but these two are very smooth and engaging. 

I cant believe nobody mentioned Chord. The Hugo series is excellent. 

Another nod can go to the AMR gear. I’d assume the new iFi Pro iDSD would have a similar tone but I haven’t heard it. 

Marantz gear is musical with just a tad bit of bite to it. I’d recommend the HD-DAC1 or the higher end SACD players. 

Any tube based dac should get there but then you might be chasing tubes instead of the dac. 
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