Hi Doug, I am a proud owner of LFT-VI as well, and surprisingly I also bought them used in a completely random manner when I was shopping for another pair -- I saw a pair of transmission-line speakers on Craigslist, went to the guy's apt for an audition, and found the LFT-VI just standing there. Apparently the guy had not had the time to put an ad for the VI yet. I knew nothing about the ET at the time, and but a quick listen confirmed that these LFT-VI are special. I offered $450, and the guy accepted. It took me two trips to get them home.
I am now having upgraditis. Could you be kind enough to offer your professional opinion on the LFT-VI to reinforce my loyalty to the VI, or alternatively point me to worthy alternatives that hopefully I can get inexpensively in the used market (preferably below $3k)?
Thank you!
I am now having upgraditis. Could you be kind enough to offer your professional opinion on the LFT-VI to reinforce my loyalty to the VI, or alternatively point me to worthy alternatives that hopefully I can get inexpensively in the used market (preferably below $3k)?
Thank you!