Planar/panel speakers to replace Carver Amazings

Hi All,

a while back, I posted a question titled “Secondary/“vintage” system speaker replacement options?” in this section. However, it didn’t get many responses.

However, perhaps the above simpler title will elicit more responses. Just trying again.

if you’d like more background info, please see the above titled post.

All the best and many thanks.
Hi Doug, I am a proud owner of LFT-VI as well, and surprisingly I also bought them used in a completely random manner when I was shopping for another pair -- I saw a pair of transmission-line speakers on Craigslist, went to the guy's apt for an audition, and found the LFT-VI just standing there. Apparently the guy had not had the time to put an ad for the VI yet. I knew nothing about the ET at the time, and but a quick listen confirmed that these LFT-VI are special. I offered $450, and the guy accepted. It took me two trips to get them home.

I am now having upgraditis. Could you be kind enough to offer your professional opinion on the LFT-VI to reinforce my loyalty to the VI, or alternatively point me to worthy alternatives that hopefully I can get inexpensively in the used market (preferably below $3k)?

Thank you!
IIRC, BG used to make a drop-in replacement for the Carvers in their RD series, but since the company was sold they seem to have stopped selling the RD's to the public.

If you're considering vintage speakers, I'd recommend that you go with a brand for which there's good support. Magenpan still supports their old models and you can rebuild them yourself with a kit or send them to the factory. And there are people that rebuild Quads. Not sure what the story is with the LFT-VI, but of course the company is still in business. Acoustats are pretty much indestructible and Apogees can be repaired with parts from Graz in Australia, but it will cost you an arm and a leg, making it a less economical option.
 Thanks everyone for the continued discussion and input. Very enlightning. As I keep listening to the speakers in the context of this system, I keep marveling at just how good they sound. I really am very happy with them other than the occasional vibration at particular high frequencies. It’s a frustrating situation! On top of that I like the way they look. And, mine are in really good condition. 
Just go to and ask or look for Ed (username Sea) he will rebuild your ribbon better than the originals, Bob even is exited about the new kapton he had made and the recent tests comparing to original ribbons. I myself bought some and did it myself but the hardest part is removing and not breaking the magnets then gluing them back in and in the right phase. I forget what his charge is to do it for you but I know it was a real bargain.
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