Solid State vs. Tubes - What if Transistors came first?

What do you guys think?

If transistors came first, and then decades later tubes were invented, would we have any tube amps we would call high end?

Wouldn’t they all fail to reach the height of performance and transparency set by transistor amps?



P.S. I love Conrad Johnson. I'm just wondering how  much of our arguments have to do with timing. 
Lous, great hearing your story.  I tried the Prima Luna as well but found it very underwhelming.  Owned a lot of tube gear and solid state, enjoyed them all but settled on Krell.  Warm enough, great soundstaging and very low noise floor.  Tone and dynamics are great as well.  Tubes have always left a bit of haze over the soundfield to my ears...but they do have great action and micro dynamics...can flesh things out a bit!
Hi Dave,
I was never willing to part with Krell or Levinson type of money. I suspect the haze may be a parts issue, with good caps, resistors, and such I am not hearing any haze. One other reason I have stayed away from Krell and Levinson was circuit complexity, it scares me. Certainly if properly designed, it theoretically isn’t an issue, but reality and theory are not alway in synch. That said, I have certainly heard too many good reports to completely write off transistors, especially Krell and Levinson gear. I’d especially like to hear them with Black Gate caps, but my bins are nearly empty... Anyway, it doesn’t ultimately matter if your or my stereo sounds like crap, as long as we are content that’s what matters, though I would love to check out other systems, but I think that I have maxed out my stereo budget! ;-)
A crap bomb, if YOU like, it's good. Yeah, that's a crap bomb! My knowledge and experience is finite, crap bomb. Got it, thanks for adding so much!