Ayre MX-R Twnenty instead of Audio research Ref 250SE

Wondering if I can replace my ARC 250SE with Ayre MX-R Twenty to save on tube cost in the long run . Also tubes are causing heat issues in my room . I don't want to compromise audio quality with this switch though. 

My other components are

Vandersteen 7
ARC ref 5SE
you’re replacing a top level component with a top level component. Its like taking the New York Philharmonic and placing them in Carnegie Hall, or Lincoln Center Symphony Hall. It will sound different, but hard to criticize.   If its opinion you want, call Richard Vandersteen (he answers his phone) or John Rutan at Audio Connection in New Jersey.  They both can help you.
Replaced a VAC tube amp with the Ayre VX5/20 and love the presentation.  Still have a VAC tube preamp.  You will save on power tubes but the Ayre amps can produce some heat in the room.
I am sticking with my Ref 250E Amps until i have money to upgrade to Vandersteen M7-HPA Amp..