Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.
Aargh! I go one day without checking this thread or reading my emails and the new web site comes out and the offer to find error comes in my e-mail.

Well, I sent John a list of 26-28 errors. I am hoping at least four of them were ones you guys missed. :) At least it will be cleaned up a bit.

Agree with all the comments above: The site looks much, much better, there should be more photos (what is a pancake center channel anyway?), and some "click-through" links too.
Aside from maintenance issues, what would be your reason(s) for not using a tube amp for for Ohms? Just curious as I understand 100W tubed = ~500W SS.

I might consider a tube amp if not for the cost and maintenance issues. Teh tube amp would haveto have way more tubes than I would care to tend to to have a chance of maxing out the OHMS at higher volumes. Using a sub and offloading much of the low end to that opens up more possibilities in regards to using a tube amp to maximum effect.

I would qualify that somewhat further and say in a smaller room, with smaller OHMs perhaps, and for certain musical and listening tastes/preferences, OHMs alone + a modest power tube amp alone might fit the bill. The bigger the room, and the more demand for good extended bass, the less chance of a smaller, lower maintenance tube amp cutting it alone I think.

OHM + modest tube amp will certainly work, especially at lower to moderate volume. A lot has to do with personal preferences and situation.