Is there a consensus as to blu ray sound quality?

I have no doubt missed it's probably been discussed ad nauseum on these electronic pages, but I still there a consensus of the sound quality differential between regular players and the new blu ray?
Of course the video qualities and disc qualities are apparently much upgraded into the blu ray tech, but does this mean the sound is as consistently better? Has anyone played one of Winston Ma's incredible FIM remakes on a blu ray, if so tell us about what you're hearing.
Also, am wondering if any of the CD mfgrs are planning audiophile versions of blu ray??
As far as movies go, the new uncompressed audio tracks on Blu-ray will leave DD and DTS in the dust.

I have some audio only Blu-rays, but not enough in formats I own in other media to compare other than the 2L release of Developmenti (which came with SACD/CD hybrid as well) and the differences here were huge as well.
Developmenti? :-)

I gotta admit, though, that it never enters my mind to put an "audiophile" CD into one of the BluRay players. OTOH, since I feed the digital output of all the players into the same processor, I would not expect much of a difference.

I've been out of the digital loop, so you'll have to excuse my ignorance here.
Of course the blu will play regular cds, but are there to be separate blu ray 'cd's? Music only cd's that are only encoded for blu ray?
I know that most of us here have owned "Bridge Over Troubled Water", in how many formats, and therefore perhaps reluctant to purchase again. So far, vinyl, cassette, elcassette, 8 track, reel to reel, hq cd, the various remakes, remasters of Hi quality cd.
Now, having said that, as dramatically better as blu ray video is, if blu ray audio is up to that qualitative differential maybe, I'm buying Art and Paul one more time.