Opinions on these budget integrateds?

Searching to replace a NAD C352 with a new/used integrated that will provide a meaningful sonic upgrade.  Looking at options around $2,000 or below, and I don't want it to be a sideways move.

I'm keeping my old Allison One speakers, at least for now, as they work very well with my particular room conditions. 

Would love to get opinions on the options below.  I'm looking for ease and musicality, but the ability to articulate dense music is also important. No internal DAC required.

-Belles Aria - very intrigued

-Quicksilver Integrated - have never had tubes before but am open to them

-Primaluna Prologue or Dialogue - might be over my budget

-Audio Note OTO SE - one day!  but probably cannot power the Allisons

-Sugden a21 SE

-Yamaha A-S2100 

-Parasound Halo

-Unison Research Unico Integrated

-Exposure 2010 S2

-Primare i22

Any thoughts at all are welcome, and I haven't heard ANY of these!  Thanks in advance. 

I wrote the review on the nuovo for stereo mojo - Marvin Bolden
Writing a review on the kinki where I compare it to the unison, mastersound compact 845, and the Ayre 6v-xe/demail land ultraververve 3 combo.
Kinki EX-M1, for sure.
As much as I loved my Marantz Reference PM-15S2b, the Kinki bettered it in every aspect.

Also, nice to know who you are, @mboldda1.👍

All the best,
Vote early and often: I vote for the Kinki but only if the U.S. seller will give you return privileges. 
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