It depends. When you're doing surround the AVR controls the volume, but for 2-channel not only does the stereo pre control the volume, the AVR is COMPLETELY out of the playback chain. This is the real benefit of this setup. Instead of swapping cables to switch between stereo and multichannel you just change the stereo pre to the input that takes the L/R preouts from the AVR and set the CJ's volume control to the proper reference volume level and you're done.
BTW, while the method by @imhififan is maybe the more accurate way to go, another and perhaps easier method from a practical standpoint is to use the 12:00 position on your CJ as the reference point for the input from the AVR and then use the AVR to set the correct volume levels for each channel. This method doesn't find unity gain for the CJ, but it avoids having to mark the proper volume level on the faceplate of your stereo preamp. Hope this helps, and enjoy your new setup! I did this for years before I got a dedicated listening room and it was awesome.
BTW, while the method by @imhififan is maybe the more accurate way to go, another and perhaps easier method from a practical standpoint is to use the 12:00 position on your CJ as the reference point for the input from the AVR and then use the AVR to set the correct volume levels for each channel. This method doesn't find unity gain for the CJ, but it avoids having to mark the proper volume level on the faceplate of your stereo preamp. Hope this helps, and enjoy your new setup! I did this for years before I got a dedicated listening room and it was awesome.