Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.
Today is my first day looking into speakers as I am coming from headphones. I came across the MWT and seems like I'll like them and they're pretty much a bargain for the performance. My problem is, I have no clue where to start and what I need in order to drive these properly. I have no idea what sounds best with what; my knowledge is all on headphones. I'm about to purchase the Matrix Audio X-Sabre DAC but I'm not sure now that I want to get into speakers and rid myself of the Audeze LCD3 and HD800. Could anyone suggest a speaker set up, all components totalling $3000? Set up is going to be for a small/medium sized bedroom; originally I was intending to get bookshelf speakers but I'm not sure.
At 100 wpc, the $1,500 Wyred4Sound mini integrated would be great with the Ohm Walsh Micro Talls.
I was re-reading a detailed technical review with detailed bench measurements of the older Walsh 200 mkII Here.

The impedance measured mostly between 8 and 25 ohms for most of the frequency range, down to 40 hz or so where the port kicks in, at which point it dropped to below 4 OHMs. That with all the rest there seems to indicate the OHMs are not as tube amp unfriendly as many conventional designs, except in the very low end bass, where tube amp unfriendly low impedences are often common as designs attempt to become more full range without achieving mammoth sized proportions. This is consistent with those here who have observed that tube amp + OHMs + subwoofer is a very good combo. If you can take the port out of play, then the OHMs become quite tube amp friendly it would seem. At least in the case of 200 MkIIs. I have not seen similar charts for newer models, but I would be very surprised if much changed for the worse in this particular department over time.
Mapman, that coincides exactly with my personal experience with the 200 mkIIs. I drove them with 32 watts of tube power for years. On the few occasions that I experienced amplifier clipping, it was in every case very dynamic low frequency reproduction that caused it. The bad part, amps were not being pushed harder than normal and no warning. Also more likely to occur with better than average recordings. Fortuneately no damage ever done. Musically the combination was excellent.
I have just recently become aware of the HHR Exotics company who also build speakers based on the Lincoln Walsh drivers. Anyone have personal experience with these?