Do speaker cables need a burn in period?

I have heard some say that speaker cables do need a 'burn in', and some say that its totally BS.
What say you?

geoffkait could use a bit of restraints in his posting and his reasoning.  Saying I believe this or I don't believe this without exploring and thinking it through is just as bad.
Einstein was known for this thought experiments.  Nobody back there was asking for data :-).
I did ask geoffkat multiple insults ago:

Please share with us the measurable, repeatable data the proves wire is directional AND that wire break-in is real!

@rlwd posted this which is spot on:

All us doubters are saying is "prove it". I don’t know how else you can prove it without a measurement. Most engineers embrace the adage "In God We Trust, all others bring data".

In the case of Mr Kait all he believes in is condescending insults and since he is not an engineer he would not understand the concept of "prove it" with measurable data.

Believing in data regardless is in someway a dogma.  All dogma's are bad.
@and2  If what you are suggesting is true, that believing in data is dogma then we would never had made it to the moon, for that matter concurred powered flight!