Do speaker cables need a burn in period?

I have heard some say that speaker cables do need a 'burn in', and some say that its totally BS.
What say you?

I hate to judge too harshly but it certainly appears aviation inhaling fuel fumes destroys brain cells.

This your brain 🧠

This is your brain after inhaling aviation fuel fumes 🍳
Oh, man, I love eggs. 🐍💩

Ah, the smell of napalm on Jeff’s Cat!  Best hydrocarbons around. 🙀💩🚽 
It is *misreported* on the internet in what appear to be otherwise authoritative articles on the Challenger Disaster investigation with respect to Richard Feynman. The article I just read, for example, described a hostile relationship between Rogers, the Chairman of the Rogers Commision and Feynman during the investigation. But that is incorrect. The hostile relationship was actually between Dr. Alton Keel, Executive Director of the commission, and Feynman. William Rogers was not technical and shied away from ego battles, not so with Drs. Feynman and Keel. And it was Keel who kept Feynman’s portion of the Final Report relegated to the Appendix.

to whit,

”The chief conflict, according to several participants, was between Mr. Rogers and Dr. Richard P. Feynman, the Nobel Prize-winning physicist from the California Institute of Technology. They repeatedly clashed not only on how harshly to criticize NASA but also on how to conduct the investigation and deal with the press.

Indeed, only last week Dr. Feynman threatened to dissent from the commission's final report unless a section that he had written, which Mr. Rogers considered too harsh and emotional, was included as he had composed it. That last-minute fracas was resolved through the mediation of Maj. Gen. Donald J. Kutyna of the Air Force, a commission member who, through the course of the proceedings, became a close friend of Dr. Feynman. General Kutyna cautioned today that the issue involved only a few words and had been resolved to the satisfaction of all.

From the start, Dr. Feynman, known for his brilliant and original intellectual forays, was impatient with committee meetings, bureaucratic planning, formal hearings and detailed discussions of the best way to word reports. As far as he was concerned, the way to investigate a problem was to venture out as an individual and have long talks with the technical people who could explain everything they knew about the shuttle technology and its problems.
andy2: "Einstein was known for this thought experiments. Nobody back there was asking for data :-)"

WRONG! Jeez, man o man....

His "thought" experiments, good grief! Sir, do you know anything about mathematics, like, say calculus?

You are wrong. There are theoretical physicists and there are experimental physicists and they NEED EACH OTHER. Theory is nothing without data to prove or disprove the theory. Until data is produced, it remains theory. Experimental physicists need theoretical physicists to determine what experiments to design and perform. In biological sciences, they are often the same person; in physics, they are often different people. Regardless, THAT is the scientific method. Einstein’s theories were eventually proven experimentally. For example the only way this electronic messaging works is to take into account, and adjust for (geosynch communication satellites), GENERAL RELATIVITY.