Do speaker cables need a burn in period?

I have heard some say that speaker cables do need a 'burn in', and some say that its totally BS.
What say you?

You can describe a higgs boson but you can't tell anyone what it is. The map is not the territory.
That’s where the Feynman quote comes in about explaining things to ordinary people. But what you stated earlier was that no one could define Higgs boson, which is not (rpt not) true. Obviously someone can define and explain Higgs boson because it has become part of the Standard Model. As far as understanding atomic physics goes, obviously many peoples’ eyes would probably glaze over, same goes for a lot of things. That’s kind of how it goes.
How do we define the flow of energy? Well energy
is the product of V*I (voltage * current). So you
see that current is only one variable. Votlage is
the other variable. Now if you say energy flows from
point A to point B then, the voltage at A is always
higher than B, no exception.

When the amp drives the speaker, since the energy flows
from the amp end to the speakers, the voltage at the amp
output is always higher than at the speakers inputs.
Therefore the electrons at the amp end of the cable always
subjected to a higher potential vs. at the speakers end
of the cable.

Diretinality is define as having a non-symmetric condition.
You have two variables here : current and voltage.
Current is symmetric but voltage is not symmetric.
Because of the non-symmetric nature of voltage, you have

This is a fairly basic concept. It's first semester of
electrical engineering class. If you don't understand
that then you shouldn't let your incompetency waste other
people time. Nobody is going to bother collecting "data"
on something this basic. They probably got better things
to do.

To me, this stuff is a matter of degrees.  I don't disagree that any number of small things can change how a system sounds , but at what point does it make a meaningful difference in relation to everything else going on in a system .....i.e., at what point is it worth thousands of dollars to purchase new cables, or hours of time to change fuse directions, damp capacitors, compare footers, change internal hook-up wires, or log the burn-in of speaker cables?  It seems like HEA culturally conditions folks so they are never satisfied - like an approach-avoidance thing....when the system is almost dialed in then something else must need improvement.  

Sorry, but energy is not equivalent to power. Nice try, though. Besides we already know that reversing the wire is what changes the sound.