Good transport for under 1K?

I went ahead and got a good DAC (HOLO Spring), and I wanted to pair it with a good cd transport for my redbook collection.   There are so few on the market nowadays.  I only know of the Cambridge CXC.  I prefer new gear, so if anyone can suggest one I’d be very grateful.


Any old transport including your existing one will do if it's followed by a Synchro-Mesh reclocker and a Standard BNC cable.  7 psec of jitter and upsamples to 24/96.  $974.  You will not find this in ANY transport.  All that matters in a transport is the signal quality and jitter.

Steve N.

Empirical Audio

Two of my grandchildren have extensive collections of Redbook classical CDs. They both use use the Cambridge, with a separate DAC, and both have been very pleased with the transport.  

I used one before acquiring a BCD-3 spinner. No problems with the  CXC transport, but wanted an integral spinner-DAC unit.