Good transport for under 1K?

I went ahead and got a good DAC (HOLO Spring), and I wanted to pair it with a good cd transport for my redbook collection.   There are so few on the market nowadays.  I only know of the Cambridge CXC.  I prefer new gear, so if anyone can suggest one I’d be very grateful.

Two of my grandchildren have extensive collections of Redbook classical CDs. They both use use the Cambridge, with a separate DAC, and both have been very pleased with the transport.  

I used one before acquiring a BCD-3 spinner. No problems with the  CXC transport, but wanted an integral spinner-DAC unit. 
The Woo transport looks pretty cool.  That may work.   Don't know much about the company though.  It looks like one of those boutique audio outfits.  I've also seen a few CEC transports on EBAY for sale from Japan.  Anyone have experience with these brands?
CEC is great, I still have my TL-51X which if you can find one should come in at under $1k. However, buying from Japan most likely means a 100V version and you would need a step down transformer to lower the voltage from the wall outlet. Not a bad thing necessarily, but one more piece to acquire.