Serious Passive Preamp question

I have a Audio Research LS7 Line stage preamp and someone wants to trade me my AR LS7 for a serious passive preamp
Is anyone familiar with this company ?... I was told it retails for $2200.
 My  Amps are Class D wyred 4 sound mono blocks.
Opinions please.
I am a huge fan of passive preamps but in this case I feel you would be best served not to make that trade, and I am not a big fan of Audio Research equipment. I am assuming by the price you mentioned that this is the Serious Stereo series type model (not the ladder type), but regardless both are pretty far down my list of passive preamps that I have listened to over the years. I would say based on a cursory look at the specs for your amp a passive preamp would match up nicely (you do have to consider the source in the equation as well) and you should consider trying one, just not  this one.
I went passive recently, but held on to my preamp until I was sure I was happy with the passive. Passive is not for everybody. IMO, I do not think it wise to do the trade. Enjoy ! MrD.
For a passive, I don't think that would be worth anywhere near $2200.  It's just a couple of stepped attenuators using larger "through hole" resistors.  It doesn't even have anything special, such as signal transformers like other exotic passive preamps.  Definitely not worth a trade for a LS7 linestage - you're, essentially, getting screwed on this trade if you do it.
If you really want to see what a passive does, try a Gold Point SA4 ($532), or an SA2X-I if you want balanced XLR passive ($616).   If you really want to go on the cheap, Shiit SYS for $49.

Even though passives are my game, I don’t believe ANY active preamp can better a "properly used" passive for transparency, dynamics, uncoloured sound and extension in both the highs and lows.

Saying that though your AR LS7 is "worth" far more to sell than any passive is (except for one) worth, regardless of which one.

The one I’m talking about is the $20k D’artZeel NHB-18NS as it also uses the same LED/LDR passive system as the one I make does.

Cheers George
I've seen active preamps beat a passive every time. Less coloration, better dynamic impact, more extension. Less sensitivity to interconnect cables.

A lot depends on the active line stage though. Some of them outright suck, and then passive sounds better so when that happens its a bad sign.