Good transport for under 1K?

I went ahead and got a good DAC (HOLO Spring), and I wanted to pair it with a good cd transport for my redbook collection.   There are so few on the market nowadays.  I only know of the Cambridge CXC.  I prefer new gear, so if anyone can suggest one I’d be very grateful.

CEC is great, I still have my TL-51X which if you can find one should come in at under $1k. However, buying from Japan most likely means a 100V version and you would need a step down transformer to lower the voltage from the wall outlet. Not a bad thing necessarily, but one more piece to acquire.
Take a look at Cambridge Audio's CXU HD.  It is a universal (Redbook, SACD, Blu-Ray, DVD, etc., etc.) transport that also streams.  Mine is paired with a Chord DAC and sounds as good as any other transport that I have had (40 years from vinyl to streaming) or heard.  Love it!  Priced +/- $700.00.
I have a rotel rc 1590 preamp with built in DAC. So, I could use the Cambridge audio as a transport?  How would I connect the two for the best sound?
This is an excellent transport that I have hooked up to my DS Sr. via I2S. Also as it is a half size component takes up very little shelf room.
Woo Audio has been in business for many years and has a reputation for building quality products.
No affiliation, I know some satisfied owners of their amps.