Is the Eico HF 81 really that good?

I read about the little Eico integrated in Stereophile. They said it was incredible. Does anyone here have any direct experience with this unit?
I have a Sam Kim complete rebuildĀ  Heath Kit 151 that is simply outstanding. Using only the chassis and transformers Sam rebuilts the entire amp from the ground up.
great buddy of mine owns 3-5 of them at any given time..w Revel 2 something be.....very very nice sound.......stop debating and listen !!!!!
Eico tended to use a lot of ceramic disk caps in places they should not have- such as coupling caps. But their transformers were pretty good. So if you replaced the coupling caps (and of course have the power supplies rebuilt) their stuff sounds just fine.

I rebuilt one of their preamps and ran it for years, although I ran it with an external supply.