Duleland break in time

Hi I did a double biwire configuration using Duleland 12 guage tinned copper wire. I imideatly disliked the sound as compared to my Nordost Heimdall. So my question is do they need more"burn in" time or should I chalk it to experience?
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My experience with speaker cables has been to expect the biggest break-in steps in the first week or so. You can speed things up with a test track CD played on repeat every so often. It all depends on how much you play music and how impatient you are, which is why I use the test CD several times and then assess. 

All the best,
Did you twist the runs of cable? Important....
No more than 100 hours is needed to pretty much know the end sound. Break will never go from very poor to the best I ever heard to be frank. System synergy and personal preference are very important considerations here.  Nordost is very different sounding vs Duelund. Nordost has more energy in the presence area and less midrange bloom. Very different sounding cables.
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