I have compared Lab12 with my present DAC, Hegel HD12, which was crushed in every respect. Except for on thing; ”edge”.
Bad productions will gain from the ”politeness” in Lab12 but I feel that rough (ment to be ”dirty sounding”) rock and blues records sounds like they lack a little ”edge” (don’t know the correct expression in English, hope you understand). They don`t sound as ”dirty” as I expert them to.
Good recordings sounds very good, but even there I can feel that I lack a little ”edge”.
I don`t know how many hours the unit has got to burn in. Maybe the sound will change after some more hours, but I will be surprised if the sound will ”turn harder”.
For the record; I have also compared Lab12 with Line Magnetic, CD-player, LM-515. LM-515 sounded too sweet, too bass heavy, veiled and with much less ”air” between the instruments.
So (IMHO) the Lab12 DAC1 SE sounds homogeneous and well balanced, warm (not negatively warm), musical (makes me wanna keep on listening), big airy soundstage, but is a little too ”polite”.
My listening was made with my BeyerDynamic T1 headphones and Feliks Audio Elise headphone amp (tubes, upgraded). Kimber Silver Streak between DAC/CD-player and headphone amp.
You have to excuse my bad English. Sorry.