Serious Passive Preamp question

I have a Audio Research LS7 Line stage preamp and someone wants to trade me my AR LS7 for a serious passive preamp
Is anyone familiar with this company ?... I was told it retails for $2200.
 My  Amps are Class D wyred 4 sound mono blocks.
Opinions please.
I've seen active preamps beat a passive every time. Less coloration, better dynamic impact, more extension. Less sensitivity to interconnect cables.

A lot depends on the active line stage though. Some of them outright suck, and then passive sounds better so when that happens its a bad sign.
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 If you happen to own a system that necessitates an active linestage, then no, a passive will not do the job. However, I make sure any system I put together does not need one. If a source component or amplifier doesn't make the grade, I won't consider it. And I certainly am a fan of very high efficiency speakers that work well in this environment also.

If your system is passive friendly, an active preamp is only going to color the sound further.  Now if this coloration is pleasant to you, you are golden. But I am of the mind that you are fixing something upstream that you don't like.
