Serious Passive Preamp question

I have a Audio Research LS7 Line stage preamp and someone wants to trade me my AR LS7 for a serious passive preamp
Is anyone familiar with this company ?... I was told it retails for $2200.
 My  Amps are Class D wyred 4 sound mono blocks.
Opinions please.
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 If you happen to own a system that necessitates an active linestage, then no, a passive will not do the job. However, I make sure any system I put together does not need one. If a source component or amplifier doesn't make the grade, I won't consider it. And I certainly am a fan of very high efficiency speakers that work well in this environment also.

If your system is passive friendly, an active preamp is only going to color the sound further.  Now if this coloration is pleasant to you, you are golden. But I am of the mind that you are fixing something upstream that you don't like.

Some months back I went passive, and found I was fortunate that my gear ( sources and amp ) were very passive capable. I had a tube pre and a ss pre, both of very high standards and recognized in the audio community for being excellent ( which I will not name ). I will tell you that in my situation, I can never go back to an active pre ( in this particular system. What I am hearing from my sources is less colored, more detailed, and truer to the recordings. I am getting plenty of dynamics ( a very important characteristic to my listening ), and greater PRaT.  Enjoy ! MrD. 
Some months back I went passive, and found I was fortunate that my gear ( sources and amp ) were very passive capable. I had a tube pre and a ss pre, both of very high standards and recognized in the audio community for being excellent ( which I will not name ) ...
If you won't identify the equipment you've used, the value of your observations are greatly diminished. The reader has no context from which to evaluate your opinion. I've never understood those who post in a public forum, and then play "I've Got a Secret" with the details. What's the point?
While I suspect that in your system’s case an active pre is a better fit, the answer seems obvious to me: try it first! Why not swap for a few days and see what you think? VERY happy passive user here (high power tube monos, very high gain tube phono stage)