Empire Turntable Parts

I am using a very old Empire 698 with a Ortofon MC20 Mikita. I am also using a Parasound Zphono hooked up to Classe and B&W 803Dii. I am looking for a replacement part to fix the down red led indicator. Any know parts to fix? Any suggestions for replacement? The turntable is in excellent condition considering the age and it sounds very good. Only problem is that is the only TT that I have listened to with my setup.

Sounds like corrosion in the socket is the culprit. A little DeOxit should sort that out.
Hello all, I took advice and cleaned up contacts and roughed up LED. The are not bayonet lamps, bit an Red Led. I must have put the wrong lamp back in the down cue. I now thin the LED is bad because swapping again identified a bad LED. I will try to find one.

The original part is not an LED!
If that is what is in there, either someone modified it, or else the LED failed shortly after installation.
The correct lamp is a neon lamp as I indicated earlier.
The schematic I have from the manual shows a LED and documented in the manual. Why would they put that in the schematic? ThanksĀ