Good transport for under 1K?

I went ahead and got a good DAC (HOLO Spring), and I wanted to pair it with a good cd transport for my redbook collection.   There are so few on the market nowadays.  I only know of the Cambridge CXC.  I prefer new gear, so if anyone can suggest one I’d be very grateful.


 I read up in this Synchro-Mesh component you make. Very interesting stuff I never knew about how these things work. Is this product made by many other brands, or are you pretty much the only one sells them?

Many other companies have reclockers.  None like the Synchro-Mesh though.  See the jitter measurements:

There are 2 fundamental things that make a good audio system and everything else is secondary:  Quality speakers and synergy with the amplifier and an excellent source.  The SM provides the excellent source.

Everything of course matters to some extent as it is a system.

Steve N.