Musician, Physician, EE degree, Ham, Audiophile. No, cables do not have burn in or have directionality. Many things CAN change such as your listening position, air density and your ears and brain. But for those who do believe in wires with magic properties, it is harmless fun. Unless they talk you out of real money. And you get to decide what that is. This is my thought based on experience physics and physiology.
Best Appeal to Authority award of the week. Bravo!
Musician, Physician, EE degree, Ham, Audiophile. No, cables do not have burn in or have directionality. Many things CAN change such as your listening position, air density and your ears and brain. But for those who do believe in wires with magic properties, it is harmless fun. Unless they talk you out of real money. And you get to decide what that is. This is my thought based on experience physics and physiology.
Best Appeal to Authority award of the week. Bravo!