Do speaker cables need a burn in period?

I have heard some say that speaker cables do need a 'burn in', and some say that its totally BS.
What say you?

If someone gave you a 10 to 1, $ bet that you could pick out the the direction of your cables with a blind listening test, how much money would you risk?
Oh poor 23-post dude (or dudet), go back and read from the beginning.  Nobody can actually hear the difference in a “blind” or “double-blind” listening test.  But, that doesn’t mean there is no difference.  Many can hear a significant difference, just not under the confines of actual comparison tests.  Besides, a requirement to actually hear a difference would suck the fun out of keeping endless logs of listening notes after changing the direction of each and every fuse and cable one-by-one.
You should be able to hear the difference right off the bat. If not, send them back.
Not sure? Most of my cables have been purchased used.My speaker cables are new have about 10 hours on them so will I hear a difference in 100 to 300 hours on them I highly doubt it. Speakers yes cables I have my doubts the initial listening session is more than likely how they sound.I may have to eat my words in the future with my speaker cables but I doubt it.
The “difference” being discussed is the difference in how a fuse or cable sounds when it is turned around in the opposite direction.  The premise being that all wire is directional and having the wire oriented in the proper direction is audibly superior.  (Hint: I believe the first statement but not so much the second). My response to @tobor007 was not about the difference between different cables.