samsung52" vs sharp52"

hi guys
looking to buy a 52" lcd,have any of you guys done any comparsions?could you please give me the model number that you recommend
The more responses you'll get, the more they'll likely be different. Sony used to be tops, then Sharp Aquos used to be the best, and now Samsung's top-end units are typically better than either - that's according to my old eyes (and I've decreed them to be right, dammit!). They all make good units (as did Pioneer, etc.). We all have our differences in perception and particular preferences. And, we'll all talk about what we purchased as the best choice - and they are, for each of us. I personally liked the smooth motion, detail, and color quality of the Samsung (and thought it clearly beat the competitors on either side) but obviously others saw something different. And so will you - when you get out and see and compare these for yourself. We (probably) won't be watching your set - you will, so you really do have to do the work and the research.
a few years back a salesman showed me how the Sharp set could not be viewed from an angle of about 45 degrees to the side when others sets right next to the Sharp could be viewed easily at the same angle. It was a few years ago and may not apply now but it is something I would never think to check - worth a look for yourself!
Keep an eye on the Sony "W" or "Z" series.
Best bang for the buck in their line. Basically very close to the XBR. Starting to see really good prices.
1080p/120hz and alot of other features.
As well as Samsung is, most that know still think the
overall build quality goes to SONY.
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