Why can't my 32" Sony LCD show component out?

I have a small home theater set-up in my basement. I use some of my older equipment. I hooked up my Zenith DVD player via component out to my Sony Bravia Component inputs and got no signal. I had the correct input selected on the Sony TV. Thanks for the help
In this set up you can only play originally recorded HDDVDs but older formats you'll need to upsample. You'll need to buy an upsampling DVD player which is about $50 worth
This should certainly work. I can only suggest the obvious: Is the resolution selected in the player suitable for the display?

I have since sold my Sony 32 xbr6 but it worked w/ vcr/ dvd and blue ray; oh, and cable boxes of standard and HD--(had one of ea.)---Maybe the color cables aren't red to red and such??Check them?
Your DVD output may not going to component out (assuming your cables are ok-check the other DVD outputs on the TV). It may be going to s-video out or composite out (I gave a buddy a Toshiba DVD player and had the same problem). Check the manual or the menu. You'll be fine.