Little-known Gems

Looking through my secondary CD collection, I re-discovered "The Butts Band", formed by John Densmore and Robby Krieger of "The Doors".  Their first album (eponymous) is straight-ahead, sit-at-the-bar stuff that brings a good feeling from way back.       
Thanks for the tip. Will look into it. How is the production quality of the CD?
 I bought that when it came out, late 70's I believe. Havent played it in years, but I do remember liking it.
Both of them are still around. They did an interview with Dan Rather on the Big Interview. It was a good interview.

I have never liked Dan Rather...but he has done a superb job with his show The Big Interview. It is mostly with musicians and performers

The Geddy Lee interview was fantastic. Robert Plant (one of my favorites) was dull....not Dan's fault. The one with Michael Stipe was also a bit flat. I'm also a Stipe fan but he does not interview well. Gene Simmons gave a good interview but seems like a blow-hard.
I have both Butts Band albums on Vinyl - "Butts Band" and "Hear and Now". Haven't listened to either since sometime around 1980. I'll give them a spin to see if I can remember why I bought either of them....