
Anyone here in constant upgrade mode?  Listening to the same choice records or CDs over and over again after some new change in gear?
 Unfortunately, I find myself in this mode far too often.  Eventually this becomes a way of life.
 Music becomes secondary to the latest tweak. As a retired musician, theoretically, this shouldn’t happen to me. But it does.  I should be listening to new works and comparing performances.
 It’s a dangerous trap!
Again, I submit that scratching the itch does not soothe it but rather only serves to exacerbate it.  After recently buying yet another Mahler 4 (Ivan Fischer this time) I found myself seriously contemplating rounding out the already substantial collection with enough versions to permit the writing, if I wanted to, of one of those completist comparative review-articles you find in magazines.  Ay!
I hope I'm not jinxing myself, but I went thru about five years of "upgraditis" and I think I'm pretty much "done" from the hardware perspective.
My system is definitely in the "diminishing returns" category, in terms of return on investment with further improvements.
As well, all my equipment is now broken in and dovetails really well with the listening room.
I've been spending my time, money and energy on educating myself about classical music, enjoy this phase of the journey very much.
Speaking of classical music, there’s a really great streaming site I just found. 
It’s called IDAGIO.  Amazingly comprehensive and user friendly for a classical music lover.
 I can’t recommend it highly enough!
Ultimately, I don’t think there’s a cure for upgraditis for most of us, especially not for me.