Cartridge upgrade

I currently have a VPI Classic 2 with a Benz Micro Glider medium output cartridge. I am thinking of upgrading but am not sure what price range I have to go to to get meaningful improvement. For example will a $`1500 budget do it? If so what to get? Thanks.
If you would like to upgrade whithout spending too much then MM or MI path is the best, in $400-1500 you can buy some exceptional cartridges, mostly vintage ones (from the 70s/80s), but can be found NOS (unused). You already have an MC from respected manufacturer, maybe you want to try some killer MM or MI ? If your top is $1500 believe me it’s enough for the very best ones!
What if you want to upgrade phono stage too ? What would you like to improve ? This is debatable but I think that phono stage should be better than cartridge, and often, with the exception of vintage cartridges, this means at least double the price.
oh, OK so I am using a Modwright LS100 with a phono stage. It supports both MC and MM. It has plaenty of gain and is a good preamp. Im sure i can spend lots more to get better. I was thinking Clearaudio or Soundsmith? I think the Lyra cartridges are little too clear sterile to me. Prefer a warmer sound. I find MB is pretty natural if not the last word in detail.