Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
I've been struggling along trying to absorb as much as I can from the great discussion thus far, and the campfire is indeed blazing!
 I'm remembering my first Thiel, which was an 03A. I bought them along with a PS Audio Elite, both of which I kept for many years and lots of moves. 
Having sold all my HT and 2 channel stuff, I'm starting over in a new smaller place. However, I seem to have a good sized listening room, but with a towering cathedral ceiling. I've been counseled in this forum to abandon thoughts of a 1.5 or 1.6, so was about to settle on a pair of 3.5's with the equalizer. But wait-there suddenly appears on the horizon a pair of CS 7's. For a very good price. And he'll even ship them! Please tell me they are too big. The only Thiels I have not owned are the 7 series and the 1 series. The price is less than a 2.4 and close to the last pair of 2.3's I saw listed. ...
Oh man, I was just reading an old review of the Thiel 3.7s, naturally a rave, and had this tinge of regret creeping over me.  I had those speakers!  They were incredible!

But then I remember why I had to sell them.  Yes, I HAD to sell them! (Must keep telling myself that...)
I was able to audition both the 3.7s and the 2.7s, with my own classical  CDs, in the same location on the same day.   Loved both; with the only difference being  the falloff in the bottom octave. However,  size  decided in favor of the 2.7s. Later added an SS2.2 sub, and am still very, very happy. 

brayeagle, I hear you on the 2.7s.  I feel very sure I'm never selling mine (or not for a long time).

Why do you suggest I google Geoff Kait?  I'm pretty familiar with our ubiquitous, obstreperous forum member :)