Afer reading some excellent contributions on this forum such as the ones by prof or this recent one by duckworp full extent of my laziness when it comes to checking out loudspeakers has gradually dawned on me.
For years I just checked out magazine reviews and made no effort to get out there and listen. Apart from one show in Manchester 10 years ago and a short trip to hear the Naim Ovator S 600 (with it’s BMR driver) I had done nothing until last weeks show in Leamington Spa.
However my experience there only confirmed my worst suspicions. I know it’s been said thousands of time before, but it’s undeniably true - in the end you have to listen for yourself. No amount of reading can give you anything more than a rough pointer (I guess it’s similar with cars).
But jperry’s advice could also be a great alternative strategy providing you have the space, time and resources. If I did, then I would keep my favourite speakers and just buy and try replacements in a second system.
As things stand I need to get out and listen to a few SOTA designs like Joseph Audio speakers, Linkwitz Labs 521s, or TD Eclipse 712z’s, and maybe something by Boenicke Audio. Even if I wasn’t intending to buy, I’m sure the effort would be worthwhile and memorable.
Sometimes the only way to hear a cerrain loudspeaker might be via private sellers who welcome an audition beforehand.
Dealers can often only usually stock a handful of similar sounding models.
And definitely catch a few shows or launch next year.