Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
jon - you hit it on the head. As an enterprise that grew out of an intentional community (commune) in the 1970s, we all felt in our core being that music showed the way to growth in uncharted territory. Everything was changing, youth (yes, we were young once) hoped to invent a new world grounded in peace, love and music as everyman's key. Thiel Audio was how we chose to spread the joy. Our first motto was "For the Love of Music". We thought that through ingenuity and hard work, we could create something more true to the heart and soul of music and make it affordable for the many. Our enterprise succeeded in some small ways . . . It gives me great pleasure that you appreciate that core truth of the undertaking. Plenty of sacrifice went into doing what little we were able to do.
Oh yeah, I've visited it before!

The ongoing mystery has always been if the site is one big troll (not implausible given that seems to be Kait's modus operandi), vs anything serious. I think the site is mostly a troll, like many of Kait's comments here, though I think he's sometimes serious in his comments on this forum. He says enough wacky things though, with apparent sincerity, that the line between fiction and honesty with him is hard to discern.

More fake news from the professor. He’s just mad because I see through his so called philosophical jibber jabber. 😛
CS7.2 (and 3.7) is just behind the very best speakers I’ve heard, and at a fraction of the price. I suspect Tom Thiel’s XO mods will narrow that gap. I’m itching to finish my 2.4 upgrade. I suspect I’d have to get something like a Vandy 5 carbon to demonstratively beat it, and that’s a speaker well out of my financial wherewithal.

Geoff Kait is on the bleeding edge of tweakery but I don’t think he’s trolling or bilking anyone. There are many things in audio that can be heard but not explained. The human ear/mind is not the same as an oscilloscope or any other measuring device. Measurements are good to have but they cannot fully inform what we experience when listening to music (and not even partially inform the emotional part of our experience). Mr. Kait’s tweaks may be controversial but I would not dismiss them out of hand. 
tomthiel......yes, I'm a tree hugger too!   :-)

...on the other hand I come and live in a peaceful place here in Tuscany, in the center of Italy and close to the sea, so could I not be?
I try to encourage you a bit more telling here how I ended getting, only few months ago, my since long  time wanted pair of CS 3.6.
It was around 1995, I was young (now fifty five) already in love with the Hi-Fi but with much less money in my pocket, I already had a modest system in my room but was permanently on the search for better sound, so my main hobby  was going around to attend to all the best hi-fi show that I could (obviously in Italy), my enjoyment was to listen to the best that the glorious brands had to offer, not depending by the cost, I clearly remember when jumping from so many rooms (it was in Milan) I remained shocked by a performance that sounded to me like a live execution more than any other, not so loud but so true: they were a pair of loudspeaker of which  I didn't know the brand: the Thiel CS 3.6s.
I fixed that sound in my mind and never forgot it and I started to say to myself, maybe one day I will be able to own a pair. Many years have passed since, with some terrible things occurred to my life in the between but few months ago, after a long and deep search, I succeeded finding a pair in perfect cosmetically and sounding condition, this is unbelievable being them twenty years old but it is. Now I'm happy like a child and I'm sure that never and for any reason I'll let them go.
I'm well aware that Thiel speakers mean more, much more of a nice box, good drivers, well working XO and great manifacture, I mean, the Invaluable value behind them as the Coherent Source concept, the custom drivers, the extreme high level in assembling and finishing...and the soul of all Thiel's workers. All this is Thiel to me and I think that no other speaker manufacturer did or is doing the same.

Tom, are these reasons enough good to you to seriously think to a book?

PS I want apologize with all of you for my not perfect english and hope my words are understandable at least!


Incredible, GeoffKait trolling every forum thread, even the Thiel owners thread, for mention of his name.  It's a full time job apparently!

Anyway, enough of that, back to Thiel...