I look at the new speakers.  They look cheaper and they are not as musical.  It’s like they are trying to be what they are not. What the hell happened?
Anyway I have owned two of their speakers. I owned the luito and the auditor m. I asked this question because of the lackluster wood work I was seeing and the new speakers are not as musical and rich to me. Serblin was a master. I read up on him. He was very meticulous about his design, wood work and finished product. The new speakers have a shiny tweeter and the wood feels cheap. They also lost their signature sound. After the Amati future I can’t do the new ones. 
My Kr Audio could really open an older Sonus faber up. That’s the only speaker I would ever go to if I changed my system. I would consider a second system with an older Sonus faber 
Fellas thanks for your responses. I thought it was just me but I started looking at the new stuff and was not happy 
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