Does this image give you claustrophobia?

What a great set up.... in about a fourth of the space it should have. I literally get anxious looking at it. 


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I know a guy with an industrial rack full of amps and streaming digital stuff. Floor to ceiling. Expensive and impressive. But all it powers is small ceiling speakers throughout the 1800 foot home. And the volume is always low like mall background music.
Audiophiles are nuts. How can you expect half decent SQ from anything less than pictured?

George Carlin once said something to this effect: Anyone driving slower than you is an a--hole and anyone driving faster than you is an idiot.

This seems like it applies to the extremes of hi-fi equipment too.

"Nothing Exceeds Like Excess" - Reubent

"If it Makes You Happy, it Can't Be That Bad" - Cheryl Crow

"George Carlin once said something to this effect: Anyone driving slower than you is an a--hole and anyone driving faster than you is an idiot."

This actually applies to just about everything nowadays. Seems like so many people want to point fingers at others and it doesn't even matter what side of the difference it is, so basically just because of the difference. These finger pointers should realize that same hand has more fingers pointing back at them.