best preamps

can someone recommend best preamps
I was only referring to the preamp. At that price level, you would be able to get a 1 off custom project. CAT is especially known for doing custom.

I like Soulution and Boulder for amps but not much else.

Other than speakers and very large power rated amps, there's not much benefits beyond $10k per component anyways...

Building a good room, assuring good clean ample electrical, and matching components are all that's needed.

All the extra money gets you is a little room to mess up and sound decent...

Oh, or status...
VAC Master, on a more robust budget, and VAC Renaissance 5 on a tighter budget. Both are extremely natural and musical. Mates great with both tube and solid state amps as they are transformer coupled at input and output. Highly recommended!  
While I’m an ARC fanboy,  I  know that preamps are only one piece of the puzzle. Speakers, amps, wires, spinners, tubes, ears, etc all make a difference.


Take a look at SUPRATEK. But be aware that they are high gain pre's.Good Luck