Filling audio rack tubes with sand, metal, grape nutz???


I know this has been asked before, but can't seem to find the answer I need. I have to VTI pro series audio racks coming this Friday from Cali and was wondering if it's necessary to fill the tubes with anything. I've researched people use sand or metal pieces of something or another. Any recommendations would be great unless it's Grape Nutz. 


In case no one has mentioned it yet, start slow with your material then listen. Don't assume filling the tubes to the top will result in better sound.

Good luck.
Let’s see, what’s for dinner? Bar B Q Robert? Let me think about it....

VTI pro series arrived, assembled and tubes filled with steel blasting bits. It took 60lbs of steel to fill those legs. $115.

I decided after assembling and placing components that while the stand did fit under the mounted wall tv, they were just too big. Removed top shelves and will probably ebay them as amp stands for a fair price. I’ll move components around so the shorter stands can hold everything.

They look fantastic with silver/greyish rods and black shelves. Sound wise? Not sure, the stereo sounds better. Stand before was a crooked Ikea thingy so anything would be an improvement.

Very satisfied! Thanks to those that contributed to this thread with helpful information. There are some that only offer chaos. They need to find a forum for shenanigans and bull bleep.