I look at the new speakers.  They look cheaper and they are not as musical.  It’s like they are trying to be what they are not. What the hell happened?
@ggc Thank you very much for filling in perfect detail the complex backstory that I was briefly alluding to in previous posts.

BTW, does anyone own a Ktêma or an Accordo?
I ended up special ordering a pair of SF Amati Tradition Homage speakers.  It boiled down to those are the Wilson Alexia 1's.  Side by side I enjoyed the sound of the SF more than the Wilsons.  The look, fit and finish are world class.  The sound is very musical.  It does not blast you like say Magico or the Wilson.  It took me 4months to get them built in Italy.  I am extremely happy.  Prior to these I had the Wilson Audio Duette 2 speakers.  I would agree that the lower end SF's may not be as good but their higher end speakers are awesome.  
Ggc thanks for the info. Great back story.  If I’m paying good money. I want the serblin way 
Twoleftears, I own a pair of FS Ktemas. I purchased them while living in Italy. These speakers will be buried with me. I have had them for 5 years now. 

I used to own Cremona Ms s/p Franco leaving the company and they sucked.  SF after FS is garbage. I have history with both pre and post FS SF. I can honestly say with out a doubt SF is only a fraction what they once were. Now, SF is not a bad speaker now. They are just different and can’t be compared to the old. 

I have heard Accordos and Ligneas on many occasions with multiple different combinations of electronics. More than happy to comment more if desired.