Doug Schroeder Method, Double ic

I think this topic deserves its own thread , where use double ic through y adapters , from source to preamp, Can’t connect it from Preamp to Amp...For me the result is huge, I can’t go back to single ic....
BTW, David Belles I think would have been Ok with introducing the Schroeder Method discussion into the review of the ARIA components. It was in a word glorious. But, I chose not to detract from the focus on this components. 

You can bet I'm using Schroeder Method with his gear ongoing in reviews. Incredible sound over single ICs. 
Thanks teo_audio and celander.
The only thing holding me back from trying it is the recovery time from my shoulder surgery. Perhaps in a couple weeks...

I agree with Doug about not mixing brands, models or lengths of IC’s in a particular paralleled assembly of his method with splitters. It’s just not right. 😂😂
Correction to my post above, which I noticed absentmindedly referred to "integrated preamps". The quote is, "At the same time, David Belles, who I discussed this with in depth while in the Belles Audio ARIA Preamp and Mono Amp review, was quite comfortable with granting permission to try it with his components. I thank him for his contribution to understanding and the go ahead to try between the ARIA preamp and Mono amps! The result? Splendid! Wonderful! Powerful changes along the same lines as when using integrated preamps to amps." 

I was typing quickly and intended to refer to integrated DACs using Schroeder Method to amps. I suppose one could refer to "integrated preamps" as a preamp with a DAC, but that is not intuitive. 
..just wondering if the use of an inexpensive cable (BlueJeans,etc) using Doug Schroeder’s method provides better sound than using expensive top of the line cable. (you can see my insecurity in spending a few hundred dollars in low end cable)