Why do people buy preamps if they can directly connect amp to stereo source/phone/PC/tv?

The purpose of preamp as I know it is to boost the signal to make it stronger. But I have never used preamps and my current system is already too loud (and sounds great) at moderate volume without preamp. Why do I see many people buying preamps even though they have powerful power amps?

Not everyone has the same set of input requirements, I need 4 inputs for example. others don't have the gain in the source so need more in a pre. others are driving longer cables and most sources can't do that.  a pre in a lot of systems sounds better then not having one even if you don't need the gain.  volume control's are almost always better in a pre amp. Built in phono stages and DAC's. remote control. tone controls if you need them. etc, etc.  

ok I think you get the point there are many reasons.

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Need a preamp if you have more than one source.  You also need some way to control the volume, if there is no volume control on your power amp.  

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