Suggestions for Amp & Preamp or Integrated for my speakers

I have:
Vandersteen 2Ce Signature ii speakers;
a 1980s Yamaha PF 800 turntable; My room is 17 x 13 x 7;
$2000 to spend.
I am thinking about buying an Amp and Preamp. However for $2000 I might just get a good integrated amp. I’m still deciding on a separate DAC or not. That’s for another day.

So here is what I am looking for, suggestions for an Amp & Preamp combination or Integrated Amp, depending on what you like and think is best components for $2000 with my speakers.

I’m interested in opinions.
I am using a Mccormak. DNA .5 with a Mcintosh C27 for my 2CE Sigs II and it sounds amazing. The preamp/ amp combo cost me 1500 bucks. i am sure you can find a good combination for that kind of money..
Digital Amplifier Company (DAC) Stereo Maraschino Integrated (STM)! For about half your budget you can have a stellar sounding integrated amp. Amazing detail with meat on the bones tone to boot.
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My new pair of Vandersteen 2Ce Sig II speakers were $2700 so I am trying to keep at or below $2000 for a new amplifier (or maybe an amp and a phono preamp or dac if needed.)  I plan to fit the room with treatments after everything is finished and the room is ready.
uditnaik, I understand the McCormack pair well with Vandersteens.  Thanks for reminding me to keep a lookout for that combo.

stevecham I continue to look at NAD as an option for my amplifier.  I have looked at listened to the 375BEE.  It is definitely an option.
I'm not at all familiar with the Digital Amp Co and their Cherry amps.  I'll take a look.