Tyler Decade D1 or D2 anyone?

Need opinion on these. Been told by a fellow audiophile that unlike previous models built from SEAS kit and generic Xovers, these models use proprietary drivers developped by-for Tyler only and Xovers designed by a guru of the industry with cabinet shape and new drivers in mind.....any info or experience yet?

Thank you
None yet. I think it was a wise move to revamp as well as go with a new look. I think the previous line had run it's course.

"Proprietary" can be misleading. Good move by suggesting that they are, but I would be curious to know the differences in the drivers TA is using from Seas standard off-the-shelf drivers anyone can buy.
Kanuk you are right. The drivers were custom made for him as are the crossovers. In fact I was just at his company this past weekend. I think the new Decade line is going to sound awesome. Unfortunatly he did not have any I could listen to :(

As far as the differences in how the 2 drivers sound, I don't think there is much difference if at all according to Ty because he would not make a downward move or sacrifice quality. I will be ordering a pair of his D3's in the near future.
Hello Kanuk went to Tys web site did not see the models listed in your post. Are they that new?