Many seem to be talking about their last system .

What's up, people ? Going to die soon ? Or simply tired of endless upgrading ?
I have just retired and now have no time for the upgrade cycle anymore.In a nutshell I am quite happy now with what I posess and to that end I will only want to service things now so that is why I puchased the best things I could to last me untill I croak. I have two pairs of highest spec. headphones from Sennheiser and Stax to cover all eventuallities and a super hi spec headphone amp. I have sold my Gryphon Mikado and replaced it with a Direct Sream DAC from PS Audio, because all I listen to now consists of Radio broadcasts from BBC Radio Three and I also stream from Quobuz. I get most of my enjoyment now from that setup and if I feel nostalgic for a pianist or violinist that I have on CD then I put it through db Poweramp on to my workstation and then listen to it through Roon and I am happy. Now I don't endlessly clean Vinyl or getup to change CDs and every thing that I like can be accessed by a remote or a wireless mouse but with a visit to the drinks cabinet now and again for a drop fo Cardu Single Malt and an enening just flies in.Couldn't be happier. Jim.
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I agree with @Jim204 that aging, in combination with the digitizing of physical media, has drawn me into a downsizing mentality.  In cosmological terms, it's analogous to the eventual transition of an expanding universe into a contracting universe.  Also the desire for a greener and lighter footprint.  As the younger generation of audio consumers is also embracing downsizing, large-scale systems building is likely in irreversible decline.    

Two kids in college has me off the upgrade cycle for now.  It will be interesting to see what the market looks like when I get to come back up for air in a couple of years.