This post and it’s replies are wide ranging, so I will just stick to this- if you use digital as a source (streaming, cd, etc.), a class A amplifier is the way to go. Hence the OP’s conclusion using the Pass Class A amp...
Digital is sliced and diced and reassembled for your listening pleasure. Class A amps have one less major slice and dice added to the end result. As Wally Malewicz (look him up) said to me at RMAF, analog is steak, digital is hamburger.
Having said that, I am currently using a CD player as my source. This is not an endorsement of analog as the be-all end-all of listening pleasure.
Adding a class A Integrated (Luxman L-590AXII) was the best and most obvious sonic improvement I have ever made in my 40 years as an audio enthusiast.
Enjoy whatever you have at this moment!