Responses from james_edward
BEST CD TRANSPORT https://forum.audiogon.com/posts/2570169 Post regarding Esoteric. I think their reputation/perception is better than reality. My K-07X transport has failed twice. When working or using its DAC, it sounds superb. | |
Tune-In Stations With Great Sound I find for New Wave fans like my wife, the station with decent sound and the most varied playlist is 80s80s Wave. I put on the Toronto jazz station Erik recommended and was shocked! to hear a commercial for KEF speakers. I haven’t heard a commerc... | |
Tune-In Stations With Great Sound Thanks everyone, I've ‘favorited’ those mentioned and will add them to my listening repertoire. | |
Tune-In Stations With Great Sound I do stream using a Node Icon and Tidal, but for music discovery and listening throughout the day, I like ‘radio’. Keeping it to Tune-In via the Bluesound app makes it a whole lot easier for my wife to navigate. Yes- WXRT is one I’ve found also a... | |
Is Subwoofer Elevation a Viable Option? Another thought to keep in mind is your floor type. Mine is a wood floor over a basement, and the floor would sing along with the sub a bit. I elevated the sub just enough using these- Aperta SUB Series - Subwoofer Isolation | IsoAcoustics They... | |
Bluesound Node Icon Owner Impressions Thanks Soix, I feel validated that I'm not just imagining the SQ degradation via Ethernet. Guilty- I am using an ethernet cable that is low end to say the least. It's flat, so I doubt it's twisted pairs in there. I have a split level house, and ... | |
Bluesound Node130 LPS upgrade... I have a Node 2i, and since the new Nodes are days away, I’m wondering if the internal upgrades Bluesound promises may negate the power supply upgrades. I don’t know, but I’d wait until some reviews are out. I love the OS, so I’m hoping for the b... | |
B&W Subwoofer speaker repair Philly area Just a thought- I had an amp issue with my Hsu sub- a local repair shop(highly regarded) quoted me $445 for replacing the amp. I contacted Hsu and had a new one shipped to me for $250. I DON’T blame the shop- they’re in business to keep the lights... | |
Open baffle speakers What tangramca said… I have a problematic asymmetrical room, and try as I might, I couldn’t get sufficiently satisfying bass without then overloading the room at high volume. I now use Spatial Audio M3 Turbo S speakers, and the problem is gone. ... | |
EVS Music Purifiers - Amazed by how much improvement they make! Anyone else try them? I use the Walker High Definition Links and would not want to be without them. They seem to remove an edge that you’d otherwise maybe not notice. Is it RF noise? I don’t know. Mine are across the speaker terminals- I have a long length of wire (~24... | |
Off-axis compensated for by balance adjustment IF you do most of your listening off-axis, as I do, you might want to try more aggressive toe-in. Because of the extreme toe-in, the closer speaker is firing away from you more, while the farther is more directly aimed at you in the off-axis spot.... | |
SVS Subwoofer Connection I had the exact same question- I had been running separate speaker wires to my subs from my amp. Audiogon Discussion Forum The short answer is you can just jump from the speaker post to the sub. I know your specific query was sub to speaker, but... | |
Clayton Shaw Acoustic Lab's Caladan open-baffle speaker ($3295/pair). I’ve heard Bache speakers several times- in a home and at an audio show. They sounded great both times- he puts his heart and soul into a design, and you can hear it. I have a very problematic room and use open baffle speakers because of their les... | |
Sub Wiring Chuckt, You’re striking out… The C26 is just a preamp, so it doesn’t really have any power to drive a passive speaker ( speaker without its own amplifier). I looked at your preamp- the output you are referencing just would not work with your cen... | |
Sub Wiring Chuckt, What you propose is different- the subs are powered and designed to show a very high impedance to the amplifier. By doing so, it does not impact the amplifier’s output in any meaningful way. I don’t think what you want to do would work o... |