Please tutor me on some integrated amp basics.

I’ve recently purchased Magico A3 speakers and a VPI Classic 2 SE turntable with an Ortofon Black 2M moving magnet cartridge. I have a Marantz SA 8005 CD/SACD player to play the few (maybe a hundred or so) CD’s in my possession.
I’ve mostly vinyl albums and no streaming sources. I’m next going to upgrade my old amp/preamp purchased back in the late 70’s with a new, probably integrated, one and am starting to do some research.

Here’s where I need some tutoring. A lot has changed since the seventies with the advent of digital technology. As well as I need to learn more about amplification components in the high end of audio technology. I keep running across terms I don’t understand. I’ll give you a list and if someone would be kind enough to explain these basics I’d be obliged.

For instance I was reading about the Hegel H360 integrated amp that Magico’s Alon Wolf recommended for their A3’s. The review mentioned they were a Class A/B amp, another person commented Class A’s were better, and a third person said he didn’t care for Class D amps. What do these classes signify? 

A second question is about DACs. I generally understand their purpose of the DAC, converting a digital to an analog signal. However my only digital device, the Marantz SA 8005 already has a DAC, ostensibly of good quality. The turntable ’s Ortofon cartridge would not need to play through a DAC, I presume. Would I bypass the CD’s players DAC if I purchase the higher quality Hegel H360 integrated amp?. Or could I find an equivalent integrated amp without an integral DAC?

On the other side of the equation I understand the turntable’s cartridge cannot play through the Hegel without first going through a phono stage. My old Phase Linear 4000 preamp you just plugged the turntables RCA cables into the back of the preamp and you were done. What’s that about? Do they make equivalent integrated amps to the Hegel H360 with integrated phono stages already in place, so I can just plug my turntable in as I’ve been able to do before. The amps don’t seem to be well integrated at all if you have to add a pricey phono stage to make them work, and end up having an extra DAC. That’s just me whining.

Third question is what are monoblocks, how are they used, and what are their advantages to a system? They were used at one of my speaker auditions.

I figured out the answer to what amplifier damping was myself, so I’m sparing you that one, but what does the term impedance mean? I keep coming across that.

Thank goodness I don’t have to figure out the cabling nightmare yet. Thanks for any help.

@skyscraper Some lucky person bought the ML 585 I have mentioned a few times so that item is no longer listed. It was listed at $6400 used. Now the more recent links I have posted are for the new ML 5000 series integrated that have slightly less power than the 585. They will not be released until Q1 2019, but the MSRP is 7000-8500. Not sure people pay MSRP on these.

I only keep repeating my self on the A3 + ML combo because it is really some poerful, smooth, and FATIGUE free sound coming from that 
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Jack, at Command Performance we talked about the Hegel H360 a little bit, but the focus was mostly on the speakers being demoed.

Inna, I was reading up on the Accuphase amps tonight, but they are priced too far over my $6000 upper limit.

Tomic60i. Thanks for the two book recommendations. I’ll have to find my notes from the demos to recall what equipment they used. I do remember the amps were around $10,000 at both places, which is higher priced than what I’ll be getting.

You know I’ve never had a single problem with the Phase Linear 400’s since I got them forty or so years ago. The Phase 4000 preamp I’ve had some issues with losing the right channel. I used to bring it in right to their factory near home then in Seattle. I have been thinking, like you, that it might be pushing my luck and a potential disaster to hook the Magicos up to the old Phase 400. That’s primarily why I’m looking into getting a new integrated amp so soon, to take them both out of the picture before the back ordered Magico’s arrive in February.

I’ll look up the rest of the manufacturers you listed tomorrow that I haven’t reviewed already. I also contacted one of the VP’s at Magico to refer someone to me who could make another recommendation on amps, since I didn’t care for Alon Wolf’s Chinese amp recommendation.That should go over poorly. I should have asked for him directly now that I’m thinking about it. Oh well.

Yysantabarbara, the new Mark Levinson, if I’m recalling the right model, was a bit too pricey at $8500 for me. Thanks for the thought though.


It's a very good amp that I built and tuned to suit my speakers, which are the best $4000 would buy me in my estimation.
Kosst, I'm guessing since you spent $4k and have Focal, probably Aria 936. Stereophile measurements and comments, suggest a rather colored sound vis a vis another design. Such designs are not everyone's cup of tea.

Since the amp needed tweaking to suit the speakers, I fail to see how one can recommend a particular technology as best.

It is the combination, not the components, that tells in the end.
These are all very good brands, but I suspect that some of them won't offer the wattage that you need with the Magico's within the price point you specify.  For instance, you could get Belles preamp+monoblocks new and within your budget, but that's "only" 112W into 8ohms.