Jack, at Command Performance we talked about the Hegel H360 a little bit, but the focus was mostly on the speakers being demoed.
Inna, I was reading up on the Accuphase amps tonight, but they are priced too far over my $6000 upper limit.
Tomic60i. Thanks for the two book recommendations. I’ll have to find my notes from the demos to recall what equipment they used. I do remember the amps were around $10,000 at both places, which is higher priced than what I’ll be getting.
You know I’ve never had a single problem with the Phase Linear 400’s since I got them forty or so years ago. The Phase 4000 preamp I’ve had some issues with losing the right channel. I used to bring it in right to their factory near home then in Seattle. I have been thinking, like you, that it might be pushing my luck and a potential disaster to hook the Magicos up to the old Phase 400. That’s primarily why I’m looking into getting a new integrated amp so soon, to take them both out of the picture before the back ordered Magico’s arrive in February.
I’ll look up the rest of the manufacturers you listed tomorrow that I haven’t reviewed already. I also contacted one of the VP’s at Magico to refer someone to me who could make another recommendation on amps, since I didn’t care for Alon Wolf’s Chinese amp recommendation.That should go over poorly. I should have asked for him directly now that I’m thinking about it. Oh well.
Yysantabarbara, the new Mark Levinson, if I’m recalling the right model, was a bit too pricey at $8500 for me. Thanks for the thought though.
Inna, I was reading up on the Accuphase amps tonight, but they are priced too far over my $6000 upper limit.
Tomic60i. Thanks for the two book recommendations. I’ll have to find my notes from the demos to recall what equipment they used. I do remember the amps were around $10,000 at both places, which is higher priced than what I’ll be getting.
You know I’ve never had a single problem with the Phase Linear 400’s since I got them forty or so years ago. The Phase 4000 preamp I’ve had some issues with losing the right channel. I used to bring it in right to their factory near home then in Seattle. I have been thinking, like you, that it might be pushing my luck and a potential disaster to hook the Magicos up to the old Phase 400. That’s primarily why I’m looking into getting a new integrated amp so soon, to take them both out of the picture before the back ordered Magico’s arrive in February.
I’ll look up the rest of the manufacturers you listed tomorrow that I haven’t reviewed already. I also contacted one of the VP’s at Magico to refer someone to me who could make another recommendation on amps, since I didn’t care for Alon Wolf’s Chinese amp recommendation.That should go over poorly. I should have asked for him directly now that I’m thinking about it. Oh well.
Yysantabarbara, the new Mark Levinson, if I’m recalling the right model, was a bit too pricey at $8500 for me. Thanks for the thought though.