Magnepan SMGa - what are they worth, best places to sell?

I inherited a pair of 1986 SMGa in good working order. As I am content with my 1974 Advent smalls, I inclined to sell these. Seems eBay has them from $400-1400 per pair. Locally on Craigslist, they are priced lower.

Do they have a strong following. Can you guys give me any suggestions?
If you clear 400 bucks consider yourself lucky! Craigslist would be your best place to sell them!
The glue that secures the, "voicecoil" wiring to the diaphragms, on the early Maggies, often fails(age/sunlight). Be certain to test them, before selling. You may avoid an unhappy customer.  Around $400 sounds correct.   I gave mine to a friend, after we reglued them.