Anyone have feedback on Audiogon's Insider membership?

I'm curious about joining but Audiogon's Insider but its information about the feature is a bit conclusory.  I'm very open to paying a fee to have access to a forum of paying members (for numerous reasons).  I'm wondering if the Insider has critical mass to support the forum, how folks like it, etc.  

I noticed that a previous discussion thread on this topic has been removed.  
Post removed 
I was a "insider" for a short while, AG  at the launch put some dealers as "insiders" however I got booted quickly :-)  inquired as to why, got the answer that one must pay on top of what we as dealers already pay monthly for the "privilege" of selling here. :-)

Good Listening

I guess I don’t see the point of it.  We already have forums.  The ads don’t bother me as they are always around the border and out of my sight as I focus on Agon listings or forums.  

hay grannyring don't give them ideas , they will now make the adds annoying.

little humor for the afternoon there.

I guess the more I think about it I do find the ads annoying and too busy looking.....