Anyone have feedback on Audiogon's Insider membership?

I'm curious about joining but Audiogon's Insider but its information about the feature is a bit conclusory.  I'm very open to paying a fee to have access to a forum of paying members (for numerous reasons).  I'm wondering if the Insider has critical mass to support the forum, how folks like it, etc.  

I noticed that a previous discussion thread on this topic has been removed.  
The program includes access to the Blue Book. I don't do much trading, but I did find it interesting.
Just count the number of little yellow boxes you see when looking at threads.  I see... few.
I think a membership based site may have real advantages but if it’s not run correctly or doesn’t have critical mass it wouldn’t be helpful or attractive to me. 
They got enough of my money will not give them 1 cent more plus my wife says I'm an insider already.
Well here is the real plan based on my speculation.  The regular forum we all use is going away at some point in the future.  As the forum becomes more moderated we will need to pay for the moderators. In addition, Agon now has another income source that offsets the fact that buying and selling is slowing here and in HEA in general.  The only way to be part of the forums, at some point in the future, is to pay.  Just my speculation.